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Blog 1

What is a Septic Dye Test?

A-Affordable Sanitation Provides Quality Septic System Testing

What is a septic dye test? A-Affordable Sanitation is ready to help you answer this important question for your septic system in our February blog. Septic tanks can sustain damage you didn’t know was possible the older they get. Septic dye testing allows you to take a closer look at the Greater Pittsburgh, PA, system’s current condition. It may not be the most comprehensive, but it can still serve as a useful tool.



Septic Dye Tests Help Find the Issues Within Your Septic System

Septic dye tests help you find the issues within your septic system. Our technicians normally use it to check for leakage and liquid sewage issues due to broken pipes or poor installation. You can also perform a septic dye test if you are checking on the status of the drain system.



What Goes into the Process for a Septic Dye Test?

A technician at A-Affordable Sanitation starts by adding dye – normally red or green – and flush water into the system. You should wait to see if  the dye appears above ground. Escaping dye makes the path traceable for everyone. Signs of trouble include dye in the drain field, your yard, or a nearby body of water. That is a sign of an unsanitary condition.



How Quick Can It Take for These Tests to Take Place?

How long does a septic dye test take? There are a variety of variables that affect this. It depends on the septic system flowing at traditional rates. If all goes accordingly, tests will last 20 to 30 minutes. Slower moving systems can take as long as five days. It’s important you have a trusted septic expert doing this work.



How Does a Failed Test Affect Me?

If you are looking to sell your home, a failed septic dye test will create a delay in the process. Many municipalities may not allow you to sell your home. Repairs must take place first before that occurs. You also have the option to move the outside drainage line. That ensures proper connection to the sewer.


For more quality information on septic dye tests, call A-Affordable Sanitation at (724) 763-1449. Like us on Facebook to stay up-to-date with the latest news and information. We are happy to discuss with you ‘what is a septic dye test?’